Wednesday, September 5, 2007

My first teacher was my best teacher

Wish you happy teachers day !!!!!!

Here I am wishing the teachers day to all the teachers who made a difference in my life. And the first teacher that comes to my mind is of course my mom, an amazing home maker and a even more amazing teacher by nature. We live in a joint family and every evening there used to be a virtual tuition at my home with all the kids of the family on one side and our teacher, my mom on the other side. She was just like a fairy with a magic wand in her hands literally transforming the lives of her lovely kids. She knew how to make the kids learn using their instinct. But more than that she knew how to convert the learning into play for the kids.

As a kid I always thought that there was something magical about her and the way she taught. But as a grown up lad today I am amazed that the ways she used to teach me are no less than the ones mentioned in books by so called famous authors about child learnings. The way she taught me to read English is just one such example. Whenever we used to go by bus she would turn the bus into a moving school and believe me, a school that was fun to be in. She would ask me to look at the hoardings in front the shops that would have the name of the shops both in english and kannada. I still remember her voice telling me "Read the name first in kannada, so that you know what you are reading and then try reading it in english". And how can I forget the first time she started teaching english to me, remember thoroughly she said to me "k sounds like ka in kolar and g sounds like ga in gokul and ch sounds like cha in chaaru". Recently I was told that whatever my mom had taught then is called "phonetics", which is a science in itself.

But all I know is that "a kid wanted to learn a new language called english and his mother wanted to make sure that he learns english so that he does not face any problems in a new school he is going to join, and she came out with a solution which her kid readily accepted and found out that it was real fun to learn a new language English which was till then alien to him".


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