Thursday, December 24, 2009

When the teacher was ready!!! (Part 1)

What would life be like, if not for the good memories that we collect over the journey(Life). Every memory is unique in its own way. But there are few memories which definitely are a niche above the other ones. The memories which gives you tranquility, takes out your loneliness, makes you feel proud, makes you feel wanted,cared and respected. The ones which bring a small smile on your face without even you noticing it. This is an article about one such memory that I will cherish forever.

"When the student is ready, the teacher will appear" says a Buddhist proverb. But in my case the converse was true. When the teacher was ready students appeared. To clear the confusion I was the teacher and when I was ready, I found my students. I have always wanted to be in a position where in I can interact with the younger generation and be a value addition in their lives. Teaching was a position that suited the bill perfectly. But teaching was something that I thought I would start after crossing an age of 35 or so. But thanks to recession, I could live my "future" for a short stint, without having to compromise the present. They say when you have a short glance of your death, you will know how lucky you are to be alive and the experience will clear most of your doubts. But when I grabbed the opportunity to have a short peek of how my future looks, it only added to my confusion. I started loving my to be "future" so much that I wanted to start living the "dream future" from that very moment and forever.

"It seems Chetan's (Chetan is my cousin brother) computer science lecturer has left the college. They are searching for a new one? Why don't you take it up? You are free, you like teaching, it will help your brother also..." said my Aunt. I came out with the same old routine answer you would give to a question that leaves you confused. I said "Let me see".

But my heart had already started considering the prospects of standing in front of a class of 30(40 or so), addressing the overenthusiastic students trying to make their professor sound like an idiot, answering the questions posted to you by the students which is of no importance to them, trying to shout out loud in the noisy, boisterous class and moreover what If someone among the classs of students turns out to be like me, when I used to be in the PU(My god, I was my teachers' nightmare. The only revenge I used to have over them was ask questions for which they didn't know the answers and I did).......

This was a part of the "Best case scenario v/s worst case scenario analysis" I do before taking important decisions in my life. Though the worst case scenario seemed to be very daunting, I was somehow confident that I could still handle it. And the Best case scenario..? I won't talk about it now, as I will discuss about it next posts.. So I was all set and decided to take the plunge..